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- We have a good offer of UHT milk full cream from Egypt
We have a good offer of UHT milk full cream from Egypt
نشر بتاريخ 2019-11-01 7:37 PM
We have a good offer of UHT milk full cream from Egypt as follows Dear Sir, Greeting of the day, Hope you are well, Pls advise if you deal on UHT milk. We have a good prices now of UHT milk from Egypt as follows Full cream UHT milk (Choclate , Banana , strawbery ) 200x27 per carton at usd 4. 65 fob Full cream UHT milk 1Ltr x 12 per carton at usd 7.65fob. Pls study and advise by return if you have the interest or need samples. Thanks Taha Aksa Trading & Marketing Cairo Egypt Tel:00201003534281 Whats app:00201140980926