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- Bookynotes - Online bookstore for kids in Egypt
Bookynotes - Online bookstore for kids in Egypt
نشر بتاريخ 2021-06-06 9:08 PM

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المؤلف:Bookynotes - Online bookstore for kids in Egypt
عنوان الكتاب:Bookynotes - Online bookstore for kids in Egypt
BookyNotes is a book store website designed mainly to satisfy needs of children, kids and young adults in addition to mothers who are looking for learning and development with fun and entertainment or even valued encyclopedias Actually its such a hard equation to collect both learning and development with fun and entertainment in one bookstore, but we did it Here you will find a great international books which are a very well-known worldwide such as Dr Seuss, DK books, Oxford reading levels, Drawing learning, coloring books, novels..etc Our mission is to deliver the best knowledge in a competitive prices and to satisfy all needs in this age range to ensure the highest customer benefit in terms of mothers and kids as well regarding learning and development Our vision is to apply and transfer our experience to every single customer to make them able to choose the best of what they need when dealing with online bookstores for their kids or for themselves as well When coming to learning and development, lets take the language as an example Books like Dr Seuss are amazing ones to serve such purpose, it helps your child to stabilize the words regarding talking and translation with recognizing the shape of the word Dr Seuss books include great coloured pictures which are related to the words under learning to help understanding and recognition simply When you take a tour through BookyNotes website, you will be sure that not just an ordinary online bookstore, its a different world of stories for kids and children books starting from learning and development to fun and entertainment and even simple and advanced encyclopedias You will also find books and stories in languages other than English bookssuch as German books, French books, and Spanish books.etc Our values are to provide the best required knowledge in the just right time with the best quality books and price, Order now - https://bookynotes.com/