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- Real Estate for Rent
- Offices for Rent
- Office for Rent Interface 7m on Main Road Alex Matrouh k.18 Abo Yousef
Office for Rent Interface 7m on Main Road Alex Matrouh k.18 Abo Yousef
Published at 2024-03-08 5:09 PM
Director Office Interface 7m on Alex - Matrouh Main Road; available as clinic, educational center, Real State marketing - space 65m2 - on 1st floor - in AL-Israa Building at Al-Agami Abou Yousef k18.5 Alex-Matrouh Main Road - Front of White House building- licensed establishment + Hospitality Enterance + Guard + Long Reception with view on main road + parallel with another room on the main road + other internal room + super lux finishing + available with light furniture pieces + Ground Telephone Number (Net available ) + water, electricity gas accounts. Announcement starts November 2023: 7.955 EGP / monthly deposit + 15.000 insurance + No commissioners allowed , inquiries by phone 011 50 240 678. (9 a.m - 5 p.m) except Friday - (No Whats Up Number). Thank You. Mr. Ahmed Lotfy