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عاوز تعرف Recruitment_process# يبقى لازم تحضر مع MBS ال Workshop ده مع الأستاذ المحاضر : أ \ مصطفــــى سعيــــد . Mostafa Saeed Workshop: ======== Recruitment & Selection Workshop Outline : ============== - Introduction to Recruitment: What is Recruitment? - Difference between recruitment and selection. - Practical: Job ads and job posting designing. - Challenges and Trends sourcing Candidates Requirements - Overview of the recruitment process - Recruitment techniques - Factors governing recruitment - Recruitment Yield Pyramid - Practical: screening cvs. - Selection Process and techniques - Factors affecting selection - Job Analysis - Practical: Conducting Job Analysis - Values Iceberg - Types of interviews - Practical: Conducting different types of interviews. Duration : 16 Hours ( 4 Sessions ) بادر بسرعة حجز مكانك .الكورس هيبدأ الأربعاء : 20 \11\2019 للحجز : https://mbs.com.eg/courses/ لمزيد من الإستفسسار : 01100409005