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- Course Workforce planning and strategies for analysis
Course Workforce planning and strategies for analysis
نشر بتاريخ 2024-08-27 1:30 PM

The general objective of the Training Providing participants with scientific and practical methods in analysing, describing and evaluating jobs and developing their skills in diagnosing and evaluating practical problems Related to analyzing, describing, arranging and evaluating jobs. Target participants of the training program Directors, department heads, and specialists in the departments of administrative affairs, organization, and training, and candidates for such positions. Code:- 310 City: Jeddah Hotel:- Hotel hall Start: 09/01/2024 End:- 09-05-2024 Language:-Arabic Training Consultant: Asmaa Saber To contact:- E-mail: asmaa@pathwaysq8.com WhatsApp: https://wa.me/201033289151