Teaching and Education in Tanta

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Engineering Health and Medical Business Management Information Technology Jobs Teaching and Education Customer Service Graphic Design Accounting Finance and Banking Drivers and Delivery Press and Media Professional and professional Labor Worker Law and Attorney Farming and Agriculture Sales and Marketing Media Production Early Education and Child Care Fitness and Nutrition Travel and Tourism Translation and Content Writing Senior Management Jobs Data entry Jobs Other
Aswan Assiut Alaqsr Alexandria Ismailia Red Sea Elbeheira Aljyzh Dakahlia Zagazig Suez Alsharqia Algharbia Alghrdqh Fayoum Cairo Alqlywbyh Mansoura Menoufia Minya Alwady aljdyd Bani Sweif Port Said South of Sinaa Damanhour Damietta Sohag Sinai Sharm el-Sheikh North Sinai Tanta Qana Kafr El Sheikh Matruh

أخصاءية نفسية وتخاطب متمبزة في التدريس لجميع المراحل الابتدائية والمتوسط والثانوي والجامعة والكل يشهدالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.احبائى في الله ادارة المدرسة: انا معلمة رياضيات وانجليزي وعلم نفس ممتازة ويشهد بذلك الك (...)